วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Make Personal Email, Company Email

What your e-mail address says about you and Make Personal Email, Company Email

   If you have company and you used free email services, for example @gmail, @aol.com, @hotmail.com etc. all of that can says about your company and business
  It better and good for your business image, if you have personal company email yourname@yourdomainname.com or .co.th and you can create and manage all staff in your organization to have personal email for example.


Most of people don’t understanding how it is work

In case you don’t have personal web already
If you don’t have personal web, we can registed and made you to have personal company email within 24-48 Hrs.

In case you already have personal web but have no mail system
We can make it within 24-48 Hrs for ready to use.

In case you already have personal web but have you don’t like old email system
If you already have domain name and think the old email system, that not works well.

Old Email or simple email system 

Have a lot of spam email, and so bored because you don’t know how to protect it

Space is very less for used and limit number of account, You must check and deleted your email often, if some day you need some important email from last year you can’t, because you already removed from the system.

You must use email via Outlook all time

 New email system that we provide

Easy to used because interface like Gmail, and Can check email via web browser from anywhere in the world not only used via Outlook

A lot of space, Can check email via IPHONE, BB, Smart phone etc., that you can monitor your email from anywhere not only on computer and Easy to manage account by yourself if you are administrator or owner

Have a lot of tools for your business and easy to used

Bangkok-ITExpert Team’s itself on supplying professional IT Email System, Web Development, Business Website, network infrastructure solutions to small, medium and large organizations, working alongside the customer to ensure that day to day activities are able to continue as far as possible.

Our solutions include structured cabling, unified communications, network design and network security.  We offer services ranging from network auditing, specification and implementation, through network support and maintenance.  

